Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feeling abundantly blessed

I’m tired and it’s late so this is probably going to be a short post and may not make much sense but I have to sing out some praise!  God is moving things here and I am in utter amazement.  While to some this may seem small, to me it’s huge.

You see, things have been falling into place and happening so much lately and I have never experienced a movement like this in my life before.  I blogged a few days ago about a fundraiser yard sale that we are having next month and asked for you all to have a Clean Out Day in your homes to donate items to our sale.

Well there is a couple from our church that we know, we say hello in passing, and are friendly but I have never sat down and had a conversation with them.  I’m referring to Cory and Summer Yates.  Summer went on a mission trip to Ethiopia last year and God worked some serious stuff in her heart.  She and her family have felt called into long term missions, have sold their house, and are moving to Korah for the next year to build a center to keep the kids from having to return to living in a trash dump during the summers when school is out.  That is beyond amazing in itself that this woman would feel such a strong calling to build this center for these children and and be so dedicated to God that she would relocate her family!

How does this apply to me?  Well Cory and Summer have sold their house and the things they were going to trash ended up in my garage for the yard sale.  I just keep thinking, “Wow, God is moving their family to Korah and their things that they are living behind are going to help to bring my baby home from Nicaragua”.  It really gives me chills.

We also had another friend clean out her closet and drop off a load of things today.  Again, feeling abundantly blessed here.

But on top of that,  my blog design business that I’ve been trying to get going for the past year is actually picking up.  Four makeovers in just three weeks and 100% of that money is going to our adoption fund!

And last but not least, we have had steady work for our plumbing business since Danny has gotten back from his trip.

I am just beyond amazed by what God is doing.  It’s like we said, okay God we don’t know how this is going to happen, we are leaving that part up to You, but we are in” and He has just taken the reins from us and is doing it!

I realize we are at the extreme beginning and I’m not trying to sound presumptive.  I realize that there is going to be some difficult stuff down the road but right now all I can do is sing praises to our almighty God.  Why do we ever fool ourselves into thinking we have control?  It’s a unworldly experience when you just let go and sit back for the ride.

Thank you God for abundantly blessing my life with your unfailing love!

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