Saturday, August 9, 2008

You can tell Grandma is here...

Because my boys have been spoiled. As always, my mom likes to go out of her way to get my kids what their little hearts ache for and she did not let them down this time either. Sean has been wanting a rip stick (His friend Cody has one) for quite some time now but those things are pretty pricey so he's had to hold out. Well they were on sale this week at Tarjay and we had a $5 off coupon and to make it a sweeter deal Grandma gave both Sean and Matthew $20 each to get whatever they wanted. Since Sean got his rip stick, little brother needed something to do too so he racked up with a new trike. Check out their new fine rides. I have to admit, Sean looks really cool on his stick.


  1. Wow, thats pretty cool! I have to admit that I didnt even know what a rip stick was! I guess I will find out soon enough. I cant believe how big little Matthew is! The tricycle is so cute, I cant wait till Connor can ride. How are Mommy and Chase doing?

  2. That is the fun of being a grandma...spoiling the grandbabies! I can't wait to do the same thing someday! Oh...and we miss Matthew over at Ms.Betty's!
    And Chase is absolutely adorable!
