Monday, August 11, 2008

I can't believe he is a FOURTH GRADER

It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I was giving birth to my first son and now here he is going off to the fourth grade. It makes me sad to see how fast he is growing up but I am proud of the young man that he is becoming. He was very excited about going back to school today. He has the same teacher that he had last year. She moved up and the kids got to choose if they wanted to be in her class again. And we love Mrs. Rathbone so of course we opted in! At first he wanted me to drive him but at the last minute decided to catch the bus instead. I think he wanted to show off his new shoes. Check these out.

The Shoes

Ready to go!

Little brother wants to go too!!


  1. Those are some pretty cool kicks!

  2. I know EXACTLY how you feel! I had a meltdown yesterday...when it all of a sudden hit babies are growing up fast and furiosly! Jason Cruise's sermon really tugged at my heart and made me realize how am I making the most of my days on earth? Enough of that for now, as for Matthew and 2 days with me...I am so up for it! The more the merrier!!!
